Industry Knowledge News Planning Advice

What are Permitted Development Rights in 2024?

What are Permitted Development Rights in 2024?

Some projects don’t require planning permission as they qualify under “Permitted Development Rights”.

These rights cover a wide range of works including building operations, extensions, demolition and certain changes of use and they can apply to both residential and non-residential properties.

How do I know whether my project qualifies as Permitted Development?

We often receive this question from our clients, and the answer depends on a number of factors, including the size and location of your project, as well as its overall appearance.

Within Permitted Development Rights there are still certain standards and criteria that need to be met such as the size, location and appearance of your project; as well as additional restrictions on Permitted Development in certain ‘designated areas’ such as Conservation Areas and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

We can help you gain a clearer understanding of which Permitted Development Rights may apply to your project, what is likely to be accepted under Permitted Development, or whether a prior approval certificate is required.

Having a consultant involved in your project, is a great way to reduce the risk of errors and it can drastically speed up the timeline for achieving planning permission.

If you think you need support with your project, we’d be happy to help.

How to get in touch…

You can contact us directly via the details below, or if you would prefer, you can fill in the form below and one of the team will be in touch.

T: 01908 592580
E: [email protected]

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Industry Knowledge News Planning Advice

Can I appeal a Planning Decision in 2024?

Can I appeal a Planning Decision in 2024?

No one wants an appeal, but sometimes it’s unavoidable. If planning has failed, we’d love to represent you in your appeal.

If your planning application has been refused by the Local Authority you have the right to appeal this decision with the Planning Inspectorate. There are specific timescales in which this appeal needs to be submitted depending on the type of application.

How can Warner Planning help me with my appeal?

Having a planning consultant involved at this stage will give you much higher chances of a successful appeal. Our team at Warner Planning has the knowledge, experience and ethos to quickly focus on the facts, assess if you have grounds for an appeal and provide your case with the best possible prospects.

Our approach to appeals is tenacious and our innovative thinking has brought many appeals to a successful conclusion, when at first they may have seemed to be lost causes.

Having a consultant involved in your appeal, is a great way to reduce the risk of errors and it can drastically speed up the timeline for achieving planning permission.

Contact us to discuss your needs and let’s see if we can help you.

How to get in touch…

You can contact us directly via the details below, or if you would prefer, you can fill in the form below and one of the team will be in touch.

T: 01908 592580
E: [email protected]

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Industry Knowledge News Planning Advice

Six scenarios where a Planning Consultant can help you in 2024

Six scenarios where a Planning Consultant can help you in 2024

Trying to get planning permission for a project, whether it is residential or commercial, can be stressful. There are lots of moving parts and a variety of things that need to be considered before planning permission can be granted.

But, despite the complexities of the process itself, many people don’t fully understand when to get a Planning Consultant involved.

How do I know when I need a planning consultant?

We get asked this question a lot, and to be honest, there are a lot of different scenarios where a team like us would get involved with a project.

So today, we’d like to break some of those scenarios down for you.

Here are 6 different situations that would warrant the support of planning consultants like us…

1. You’ve been refused planning permission for a project (commercial or residential)

This is where we would come in to assess if you have grounds for an appeal, and if so, we can help you put the appeal together. Having a planning consultant involved at this stage will give you much higher chances of a successful appeal. You’ve got somebody in your corner who can cut to the chase and focus on the facts that will present your case in the strongest light.

2. You need somebody to review the development potential of a site

When you’ve got a project in mind, it’s important to get a planning consultant involved early to advise on the planning potential of your project. Having somebody who can analyse whether there are any specific constraints and opportunities is crucial at this stage. It will save you time, and potentially money.

A consultant will be able to recommend a course of action to steer your development through to decision. They will also be able to provide strategy options that could optimise the use of your site.

3. You need somebody to fact check or sense check a development proposal

As we’ve said, the world of planning is a complex one. There are so many moving parts and lots of policies to keep on top of. It can be difficult to keep up if you aren’t familiar with everything that needs to be considered.

Having a planning consultant to review your development proposal can be invaluable. With extensive knowledge of the do’s and don’ts, they will be able to confidently assess the viability of your project.

If there are challenges that will stand in your way, you want to know them at this stage and a planning consultant will be able to highlight them for you.

4. You need support with the production of Planning Justification or a Planning Statement

Having a planning consultant to help with your planning applications and statements can save you so much time! Planning Consultants are there to make your application efficient and cost-effective. We draw together all the key elements for your planning application to achieve the result you want.

With a strong understanding of local and national policies, legal frameworks and the planning system, having a consultant to help with this stage of your project significantly reduces the chances of error in your application.

5. You need help when presenting and attending consultations, appeals, public enquiries, and planning committee meetings

This is where a planning consultant could basically act on your behalf. Having your consultant with you during occasions such as planning committee meetings will drastically improve your ability to defend any challenges against your plans and it will allow you to present your project in the strongest possible light.

6. You have to negotiate and work with professionals such as developers, surveyors and architects.

If you have to negotiate with other parties as part of your project, a planning consultant is a brilliant aly to have in your corner. Again, with their knowledge of the planning infrastructure, they will know how to negotiate confidently whilst keeping your best interests at heart.

So, there you have it. 6 scenarios where having a planning consultant can really help.

In a nutshell, having a consultant involved in your project, is a great way to reduce the risk of errors and it can drastically speed up the timeline for achieving planning permission.

If any of the above scenarios sound familiar and you think you need support with your project, we’d be happy to help

How to get in touch…

You can contact us directly via the details below, or if you would prefer, you can fill in the form below and one of the team will be in touch.

T: 01908 488793
E: [email protected]

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