Melrose Hall Care Home, Cardiff

Care, Residential

Cardiff, Wales 

Local Authority:
Cardiff Council

Project Overview

A planning application submitted to demolish the existing buildings and erect an 85 bed care home with associated car parking, bin store and landscaping (All matters except access reserved).

Warner Planning positively engaged with Cardiff Council to submit a planning application to demolish an office building situated within a residential area in Cardiff and erect an 85 bed care home.

Concerns regarding sustainable access to the site were deemed by the Planning Officer to be achievable through the Reserved Matters submission.

There was also an ecological concern regarding the presence of bat roosts within the existing buildings. This was overcome though incorporating potential new roosting opportunities within the design of the new building, and a planning condition to ensure the preservation of a protected species on the site, consequently there was no objection raised as a result.

The application was recommended for approval and it was subsequently granted permission subject to conditions and a Reserved Matters application.

Images courtesy of: Scroxton and Partner